Hannah has been running workshops for twenty years. Inspired by a love of facilitating self-expression, she regularly runs sessions which fuse deep relaxation techniques with exploration of creativity. “We are all creative, we all have ideas that are unique to us, and when we are most relaxed – almost in a dreaming state – we are at our freest to encounter and express these ideas.”
Regular workshops:
For adults: Deeper Mind, one Saturday monthly 10am-3pm. £50. This is a themed day, which draws on yoga philosophy and practice to explore deeper and subconscious states for healing and to inspire creativity. More information here
Private sessions: learn and practice techniques to open up creative processes that inspire poetry, journaling, and fiction writing. For finding a starting point that really resonates, getting through blocks and for discovering your unique voice and the themes that are a fit for you. 1hr or 1.5hr by arrangement
For children and young people: Being Creative in Nature. Contact Hannah for more info.
Occasional workshops:
Children’s Mental Health Week – ‘ Relax, unwind and discover your creativity’, sessions for Nottinghamshire County Council
Sherwood Art Week – Art and Deep Relaxation with Hannah info here
Nottingham Literary Festival September 2024
All sessions take place in Nottingham and London, UK, or via Zoom.

exploring creativity in the studio
Most workshops take place in our dedicated space in Sherwood, Nottingham.
When? Next dates
Saturday 21st September 10am-3pm
Saturday 12th October 10am-3pm
Saturday 16th November 10am-3pm
See also:
Sherwood Arts Week Sunday 30th June
“This is a story to give hope to all our children faced with the very possible futures we are already encountering. When I had finished reading I just wanted to stay with them!”